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Growth and Outreach

Operational Highlights​​ FY 15-19 (4 YEARS) 2021 2022 2023 2024
No. of States​​ 1 1 1 1 1
No. of District 1 1 4 5 5
No. of Villages 20 35 180 238 270
No. of Groups 30 52.5 447 515 570
No. of Branches​​ 1 1 1 10 10
No. of active borrowers​​ 570 32 5,653 9,791 14,051
No. of Total staff​​ 2 2 5 43 47
No. of Branch Managers 1 1 1 10 10
No. of female employees​​ 1 1 1 5 6
No. of credit officers ​​​​ 1 1 4 33 37
Loans disbursed during the year (₹ in Crs)​​​​ 0.12 13 29 12
BC portfolio​​​​ 0 9 9 7
On-book portfolio​​​​ 0.12 0.04 1.1 1.3
Total portfolio​​​​ 0.1 9.54 10.04 8.3
Gross NPA 0.03 0.04

Financial Performance

Asset Quality

         Gross NPA @ 90+dpd is 0.38% as on March 31, 2023, and made an appropriate provision for the same. There has been an amount outstanding in the business correspondent portfolio for which regular recovery efforts are being made .

Funding profile

         G TRUST has availed Term loans from financial institutions amounting to ₹ 2.05 Crs. and outstanding as on March 31,2023 is ₹ 1.87 Crs. The feedback from lender and business correspondent partners was found to be satisfactory.

Earning Profile

         G TRUST has registered PAT of ₹ 0.07 Crs. during FY23 as compared to ₹ -0.21 Crs. in FY 22

Liquidity Profile

         The liquidity position of G TRUST is adequate to manage the present liabilities of the Trust.

Physical and Financial Projection

Particulars Year 2025 Year 2026 Year 2027 Year 2028 Year 2029
Branches 20 20 30 40 50
Borrowers 47,700 63,450 61,650 139,050 188,550
Loan Disbursement 168 236 355 511 700
Loan Outstanding 94 128 187 266 360
Funding Requirement from Banks/Financial Institutions 36 27 51 70 78
AUM Per Branch 5 6 6 7 7
Avg Loan Size per Borrower 19,738 20,158 30,381 19,101 19,098
Operational Self Sufficiency 109% 119% 114% 114% 114%

Internal Audit

     G Trust has three-member team, One team head and two staff members. Each branch is audited for three days. So, within a week two branches are getting audited. Presently G Trust has 10 branches and hence every audit cycle for each branch is done within a month. Tele calling is also executed by audit team.

     The Trust has a team of internal auditors who undertake compulsory branch and borrower audits on monthly basis. These audits are surprise audits.

     The Audit team also analysis the proposed branch area on the basis of survey report and prepare their report and submits the same to Head of Operations and President of the Trust.

     The audit report is presented to the Chairperson and the Board. The report and its findings are discussed in the Board Meeting as well as in the Audit Team Meetings. The management takes responsibility to ensure that relevant actions are taken on the Audit findings. Audit reports are also shared with the respective Branches, so that they are aware of their shortcomings and improve them accordingly. Branches are required to maintain an Audit Report Compliance file containing Audit report and the reply given by branch on audit issues highlighted in the report.

     The auditors in their subsequent visits to the Branch ensure that the findings are addressed respectively, if the shortcomings are highlighted, the Branch has to give the required explanation. They also ensure regular checks on client awareness and understanding of the key terms and conditions of the products/ services offered / availed.

Rating Report

  •     B2K Analytics has assigned B2K ‘MF4’ (Pronounced as B2K MF ‘FOUR’) grading to Grameen Microfinance Trust (“G TRUST ” or the ‘Trust ”).

  •     The grading assigned factors the experience of the Board members and Management in the social development activities in the rural areas and microfinance industry, minimal NPAs, defined operational procedures, adequate capital adequacy levels and proper MIS & IT systems .

  •   G-Trust Grading Report    Download the pdf

    Audited Statements

      G-Trust Audited Statements 2021 - 22    Download the pdf

      G-Trust Audited Statements 2022 - 23    Download the pdf

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